I pray you’ll see every new day this year as an opportunity to passionately pursue God more than you did the day before.
That’s audacious generosity.
I pray you’ll live so expectantly of God that everyday you’ll ask for more of God and more for God. He is so worthy!
That’s audacious generosity.
I pray you’ll set God, yourself, and others free so that nothing stands in your way from experiencing, receiving, and giving more than you ever thought possible.
That’s audacious generosity.
I pray you will see every person God puts in front of you this year as an opportunity to give not just to get. I pray you’ll see God is such a cheerful giver and longs to give through you to bring heaven to earth.
That’s audacious generosity.
I pray you’ll live totally free knowing God has committed to supply all your needs, free to consider the needs of others before yourself, free to love all and serve all.
That’s audacious generosity.
I pray you’re quicker to forgive others this year. I pray your love and gratitude will both be unconditional.
That’s audacious generosity.
I pray more people see Jesus in you this year. That your life will showcase to a watching world how God so loves that he gives Jesus.
That’s audacious generosity.
I pray you’ll experience the joy of the Lord every time you return a tenth of your income back to God and give your offerings to your local house of worship. I pray you’ll honor God, lead by example and live confidently before almighty God.
That’s audacious generosity.
This year I pray you’ll live with open hands before God. I pray you’ll commit in advance to use any surplus God puts into your hands to fulfill the mission of God as foretold in Matthew 24:14.
That’s audacious generosity.
If you fundraise for gifts from donors and services from volunteers, I pray you ask with boldness and confidence depending only on God as the Giver and that he faithfully rewards every donor and volunteer who extends his presence on the earth.
That’s audacious generosity.
I pray you’ll allow Jesus’ love for His Church to be poured out through you. I pray you’ll seize every opportunity to gather with the believers of God in community.
I pray you will believe everyone should have access to hear about Jesus and that everyday you’ll take action to do something about it.
That’s audacious generosity.
I pray you’ll live confident of your purpose to experience God and to join him in fulfilling his mission on earth.
That’s audacious generosity.
Above all I pray you will know that while God doesn’t need you he wants you. You are chosen, forgiven and beloved. I pray you offer God that same love & freedom in uninhibited worship!
That’s audacious generosity.
I pray the Lord’s prayer in John 17 over you. I pray that you will be protected from the evil one, that you will live set apart for the Lord’s glory and for you to be united with the Lord and His church around the world.
That’s audacious generosity.
I pray if you haven’t already, that you’ll prioritize reading Audacious Generosity and quickly discover the blessed life of God’s audacious generosity through you that you were created by God to live.
(Finally, I encourage you to hold out your hands before God.) Father, I pray in Jesus name that you will allow these hands to lack no good gift from your hands. Will you reveal yourself and your love in the midst of every need. I thank you for my friend. I love them and I pray your favor and blessing on them and their family. In Jesus name, amen.
Happy New Year 2021.
About Kevin White
Kevin White is a Christian pastor, international speaker, and an international best-selling author. As a writer, Kevin’s newest book, Audacious Generosity, is a best new Christian Book of 2020. Audacious Generosity was an instant international best seller in India and the United States of America. Audacious Generosity is the New Book to Read in 2021. Look for it among Christianity books on Amazon and everywhere books are sold. Kevin’s why for life is to extend access to Jesus to all people world-wide. Kevin loves to motivate people how to encounter the presence of God in their everyday life.
As a seasoned entrepreneur, Kevin has started and helped start hundreds of businesses, churches, and nonprofit organizations. Kevin is an expert in church leadership and business development. Kevin’s shepherd’s heart can be seen in his speaking and writing. He integrates Biblical principles and worship into everything he does. Kevin’s strategy is to help people transform into the likeness of Jesus. Find more from Kevin White including his blog, podcast shows, YouTube Channel, and Generously Blessed 1MM One Minute Motivational Series at https://kevinwhite.us
About Global Hope India
Kevin White is the Founder/Executive Director of Global Hope India, a Christian mission organization focused on sharing the gospel in India and among Indian Nationals world-wide. We facilitate virtual mission teams to India and short-term mission teams in-person in India. These teams empower the church in India with pastoral training, youth pastor training, children’s ministry, church planting strategy, church planting ministry, and medical missions.
Global Hope India is a Christian charity that raises funds for India. 92% of every dollar given benefits gospel outreach projects in India such as church planting, orphan care, clean water projects, bibles, medical clinics, etc. Our partners in India serve the Baptist mission in India, Church of God in India as well as independent Christian churches. We do one thing – advance the gospel in India. We do it in one way – through the local church in India. Join us today by praying for India, giving to God’s work in India and going virtually or in person to make disciples in India. Find out more information at https://globalhopeindia.org